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JD Selections

 JD Selections

JD Selections was founded by Jeff Davis, pictured above with Joana Santiago from Quinta Santiago. He is American by birth but currently living with his family in Porto. A life long lover of good wine and all the culture, work and people surrounding it - he fell particularly hard for the wines he encountered in Portugal, most of which he did not see represented in the U.S. The desire to share these wines and to help the families behind them resulted in JD Selections.

The Portuguese wine scene outside of the Port trade has been up and coming for some time now. The still red wines coming out of the Douro were the beginning for most U.S. wine drinkers. Then came a lot of good wines at great prices from regions throughout the country, somewhat pigeonholing Portugal as a place for simple, value wines. But now we are seeing the bar being raised. There are exceptional wines rivaling anything in Europe coming out of Portugal now and the great potential that exists there is more and more apparent.

Jeff has done an amazing job finding the producers setting the bar for quality in each region. These are wines of energy and tension and they fit beautifully in the Sacred Thirst Portfolio. If you haven’t delved into all that Portugal has to offer, we recommend doing so immediately. We were impressed and think you will be too.

Check out the JD Selections website here.